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Team Volume Commission

EARN WEEKLY COMMISSIONS FROM YOUR TEAM'S SALES: As you share and your network grows, you will sponsor new members into either a Left or Right team.
Every time a product is purchased within your teams, that product will generate Business Volume (BV).
Whenever your teams match 330BV and 660BV (regardless of which side is the stronger or weaker side) your volume flushes and you are awarded a Cycle Bonus of $50. As long as you remain active, the remaining BV carries over until it generates another cycle.


Example: If your left team has 9 purchases of X39™ within a week, each purchase will generate 77BV.
multiplied across 9 purchases equals 693BV.
If your left team has 5 purchases of X39™ within a week, each purchase will generate 77BV.
multiplied across 5 purchases equals 385BV.

This accumulation of points will generate a Cycle Bonus of $50.
The remaining BV will carry over and add on to the following week's totals.

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