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Leadership Introductory Bonus

THE BENEFITS OF LEADERSHIP: A portion of the sale of every Diamond and Platinum package is set aside for a special bonus paid out to Managers, Directors, and Senior Directors.

Diamond Packs:
The total payable commission on a this pack is $500. $200 of that total will automatically go to the active sponsor of that new distributor. The remaining $300 will be paid up to the next distributors up the line of sponsorship in order of rank.

$100 for the next Manager.
for the next Director.
for the next Senior Director.

Platinum Packs:
The total payable commission on this pack is $300. $150 of that total will automatically go to the active sponsor of that new distributor. The remaining $150 will be paid up to the next distributors up the line of sponsorship in order of rank.

$50 for the next Manager.
for the next Director.
for the next Senior Director.

Maria enrolls Cynthia with a Diamond Enrollment Pack. $200 of that package will automatically go to Maria, who is now Cynthia's Sponsor. In this example, Maria is not a Manager or above, so the remaining $300 will flow up the line of sponsorship. Maria's sponsor Adam is active but does not have the rank of Manager or higher, so he does not participate in the bonus.

Adam's sponsor is David who is an active Manager. David would earn a $100 bonus.

David's sponsor is Simon who is an active Senior Director. Since there is no other qualified Director in the line of sponsorship, Simon would make two bonuses totaling $200. $100 for being a Director and $100 for being a Senior Director.

If Maria had been a Senior Director, she would have made the $200 Enrollment bonus plus the $300 difference totaling $500.


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